It’s Real!
These were the words of a woman named Michelle who was miraculously healed at the crusade of considerable hip and leg pain. She had had multiple surgeries including the insertion of pins in her hip and lived with constant pain for years. Medical science couldn’t cure her. The pain totally vanished after some ministry team members prayed for her at the crusade. She got up and testified with tears in her eyes in front of a sea of student onlookers and passer bys saying, “I’m healed. It’s real.”
(Sept. 2015)
There is so much to say about the crusade. Here’s my brief write up. Please add your comments, testimonies, feedback, and anything else regarding this event.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who helped with the crusade. Many people joined in an extended fast for salvations and miracles to take place. Many others served through worship, ministry team, administrative, prayer and other tasks. Your reward is in Heaven and this wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Regarding testimonies, there were reports of a number of students being curious and coming to the table where they received a Bible. A few students filled out follow up cards and gave their phone numbers to ministry team members. Numbers of students stopped during the public worship time and some were lifting their hands to Jesus. We had a number of words of knowledge for healing but few people responded publicly. There was a young man in a wheel chair named Josh who had cerebral palsy who we prayed for and he was able to walk around (said he felt his legs tingling) and also said he felt a lot of oppression and anxiety leave him. We saw him later that day after the crusade and talked and prayed with him some more. He had a lot of grief, brokenness, and was struggling with his sexual identity. We just loved on him and prayed for him.
After the crusade ended, preaching teams led by Zack Surunis and Micah Lyle went out to Free Speech Cafe and Dwinelle Hall to preach the gospel some more. Micah’s team saw a salvation and Zack led two people to Christ later that day.
Overall, I was expecting a larger turnout of students resulting in more salvations and miracles, but I am grateful for the many who heard the Word and the testimonies mentioned. There were tons of students and groups out tabling during the crusade. One friend in particular said he felt the fire while I was preaching. I am sure there were lives touched that I won’t know about until the day of judgment. As a case in point, there were two black ladies who came out to the steps of Sproul Plaza at the end of the crusade. As I talked with them, they said they worked for UC Berkeley and could hear the preaching from their offices! They wanted to come check it out!
This crusade is just the beginning of many more. God’s Spirit is breaking out on this campus. All the glory belongs to Him.
“For this purpose was the Son of God made manifest, to destroy the devil’s work.” – 1 John 3:8
And the people of God said… !!?